Tuesday, February 12

Topshop Wishlist #3

As you might have seen here and here, I've been making a wishlist every week of the "what's new in this week" on Topshop, ready for my personal shopping spree on my birthday. So here's this weeks! (Thankfully a lot more successful thank last week!) I'm beginning to get more and more drawn to summery clothes, even though it's snowing, clever one. I'm pretty sure everyone will own this Puppy Shirt once it hits the shops, and everyone have a look at the back of the black dress, it's gorgeous! As you may of noticed, I'm still not over the flatform trend, oops!
Same as the other weeks, I'm still after some new Topshop outfit posts for inspiration, so comment or tweet me links!

(p.s I'm home from Uni for the week and left my camera there, so blogging might be a bit lazy-wishlist for a while!)


  1. I love the cat blouse, it's amazing! I'm the same, getting really drawn to summery clothes but constantly find myself piling on the layers before I dare leave the house. Roll on summer!


Thank you for your lovely comments, if you would like a quicker reply tweet me @chloetea_